Sunday, August 30, 2009

eve of my first initiation into chemo therepy

It's due time that I start the blogging process. I always thought I would be writting about music. It is highly likely that what I am most pasionate about will come forth in this blogging exercise, but right now, as I sit here on the eve of my first initiation into chemo therepy, I'm able to look back at the series of events that took me to this place. Be it genetics, ancestral baggage, repressed creativity, dietary inconsistencies, financial burdens, self-imposed stresses, imaginary deadlines, and so-on; here I am at the doorsteps of a great mystery. I have no idea what's going to happen next. I have no idea how my body is going to react. I have no control what-so-ever, and for those that know me, my aims at accomplishing things with military precision are now forcing me to enter a space of absolute trust and surrender. I feel as though everything is being re-written. Here I am at 38-years old with this thing called colon cancer 2B, feeling like the bionic man with a metal 'port' freshly installed 48-hours ago in my chest from where the platinum chemo-brew will be administered... I've always a platinum album, wanted it so bad I now get to pump a platinum-stew through my heart. 12-sessions of chemo over a 24-week period, I should be off the juice by Valentines Day 2010. What ever cancerous cells may exist in my body, this process will allow me to raise the chances of it never returning from 80% to 92%. Whatever of it that may exist, I will kick the little fucker out of my system between now and then and return reborn.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. I get the honor of making the 1st comment....
    Much love to you brother. You begin and we begin with you.

  4. S is correct. You are not alone, nor shall you ever be.

  5. Way to go on the blogging! I love you.

  6. Fabian, we are with you in faith. Cousin Lourdes

  7. We'll be with you on this journey, Fabe, and can't wait for the posts on music!

  8. with you every day.....lots of love Fabe

  9. Good luck. My thoughts are with you. Beat the hell out of that MFer Rocky.
